SoundSkins Can Help You Enjoy Music Without Distractions

How SoundSkins Can Help You Enjoy Music Without Distractions?

How SoundSkins Can Help You Enjoy Music Without Distractions?

Drivers should experience high quality music during their drive as a luxury without interruptions from external noise or audio disturbances. Several factors associated with road noise along with engine vibrations and minimal acoustic quality in vehicles commonly disrupt the clarity of audio and pleasure during in-car listening. The company SoundSkins develops creative methods to optimize car audio quality for its customers.

Understanding the Challenges in Car Audio

External Noise Interruption: Multiple noises from traffic and wind along with unpredictable road conditions make their way into the cabin to produce an unwanted noisy environment for vehicle occupants. The external noises force drivers to turn up their volume creating sound distortion with consequent listener fatigue.

Audio Distortion: Most of the time, distortion is due to pushing car audio systems past their limits. Amplifiers that are overdriven produce clipped signals, which produce harsh, unpleasant sound and this is known as clipping noise. While such distortion is capable of hiding the details of music, it is also devoid of enriching the experience of hearing music. 

Vehicle Acoustics: Uncontrollable vibrations and resonances can be caused by the materials and design of the interior of a car. It interferes with sound clarity to the extent that even the highest quality audio systems have a really bad sound.

How SoundSkins Enhances Your Music Experience?

Sound Deadening Materials:

SoundSkins produces top-of-the-line sound-deadening materials which minimize sound vibrations while blocking outside noises. You obtain better cabin quietness by applying these materials to different sections of your vehicle including doors and floors. The environment grows quieter after you install sound deadening materials which enables your music playback to deliver a better listening experience.

Improved Speaker Performance: 

The SoundSkins product range minimizes vibrations while securely mounting speakers to prevent audio distortion. These products enable speakers to stay within their correct operational range which provides clean sound quality along with full audio detail clarity.

Thermal Insulation Benefits: 

The SoundSkins materials provide thermal insulation features in addition to their acoustic benefits. The material enables temperature regulation which creates better driving comfort while making the listening conditions more enjoyable.

Steps to Implement SoundSkins in Your Vehicle

  1. Identify Problem Areas: Identify the vehicle components that face the highest risks of noise intrusion together with vibrations. The most vulnerable vehicle components lie within the doors together with the floor and the trunk.

  2. Select Appropriate SoundSkins Products: From SoundSkins Global catalog, you can choose between the set of products suitable for different types of applications that will be compatible with your vehicle needs.

  3. Prepare the Surfaces: Clean and dry the areas where the material will be applied to ensure proper adhesion.

  4. Apply SoundSkins Material: Apply the material cut to fit the designated areas and make sure there are no air pockets and a good and even attachment to stay and prevent the material cut for such purposes.

  5. Reassemble Components: After installation, reassemble any removed parts, ensuring everything is securely in place.

Real-World Benefits

Users have reported significant improvements after installing SoundSkins products. For instance, one user noted a 10dB reduction in road noise on the highway and enhanced speaker quality, resulting in a fuller sound. (Source: Reddit user review) 


For music lovers who want to boost in car audio experience, these factors do matter and need to be dealt with. Clearly, SoundSkins has an effective solution to these challenges to let your music sound the way it should. If you truly want to make your vehicle a private concert hall free of such distractions, you’ll invest in quality soundproofing material and proper installation.

Step 1

To install the material you need be working on the metal surface of the car, remove upholstery. If you have never done this, we suggest searching it up on YouTube. Once the upholstery is removed, make sure there is no debris, waxy oils or rust by cleaning the surface with denatured alcohol.

Step 2

Once surface is clean and ready to go, cut the sound deadening material to the right size so it fits desired area. For small surfaces, we recommend that you measure the dimensions and then cut to fit.

Step 3

With the surface area clean and pieces cut to desired dimensions, peel off the paper and apply material to surface area starting from the top to bottom using the car door holes to help with alignment. We recommend using a hand roller to ensure that there are no air pockets and ensure the adhesiveness.

Sound Deadener Install On Jeep


Sound Deadener Install FAQ: Tips & Tricks

What tools will I need to for a sound deadening project?  
  • Rag & Denatured Alcohol: Apply the alcohol to the rag and use to clean the metal surface areas you will be applying the material to.
  • Gloves: Our product is pretty safe to install without gloves but if you have never installed a sound deadener mat, we recommend using gloves.
  • Hand roller: We highly recommend using a small roller to reach the tighter surface areas of your vehicle. You can find these on Amazon or most online retail shops. There are wooden, rubber and metal rollers, we recommend wooden or rubber, try and stay away from metal as they can tear the material.
  • Utility Knife: The utility blade is to cut the material. Make sure to cut the material on top of a pice of cardboard so that your blade stays sharper longer, if it's a big job, have some extra blades around.
How do you apply sound deadener material? 

We sell our roll on sound deadener product in 2 different formats: custom cut to fit pro kits and an easy to work with rolled up large sheet. If you can measure, cut, peel and stick you can install sound deadener! You can use your hand to apply pressure when positioning the material and then use a roller to make sure it sticks down to metal surface.

After you cut the material and are ready to stick it on, some customers find it easier to peel off a small portion of the release liner and then apply it to metal surface, and then work their way across the sheet, peeling off a small section at a time.

Make sure to always remove the air bubbles with the roller. The second most important thing when it comes to quality of sound deadener is the quality of adhesion to the surface area. You want the material to be stuck down properly to ensure it stays in place.

Where do you apply the sound deadening material?  

The great thing about our sound deadening material is that it can be applied to all types of metal surfaces. All SoundSkins sheets use extremely strong adhesive and they can even be mounted on fiberglass, plastic and even wooden surfaces, but it's not very common to apply to these surfaces since they don't vibrate as much. By covering all metal surfaces such as your doors, roof, trunk and floor you can make a significant difference to unwanted road noise.

Your top priority when applying a car sound deadener is to cover the doors, floor and trunk. If you have extra material then proceed to other metal surfaces you wish to cover for extra sound insulation.

How much surface area should I cover?  

To properly deaden the metal surfaces, we recommend to at least do 25% coverage with our SoundSkins material, this will make a difference in unwanted road noise, but to have a huge impact we recommend covering up 60% of metal surfaces. If you want to get the most used from your sheet, one effective strategy is the CHECKER BOARD APPROACH, using this technique you cut the SoundSkins sheet into small pieces and apply them to the metal surface in a checkered pattern.

It is very common for our customers to do close to 100& coverage to any metal surface because not only are they looking to reduce road noise, they also want to insulate their car from heat or they like the way the material looks on the car's bare metal surface.

How do I make sure the sound deadener sticks well?

SoundSkins products are made with a very strong adhesive and create a extremely strong bond with the metal, it's really hard to NOT make it stick. To ensure the best possible bond, we highly recommend cleaning the metal surface before applying our material and then using a hand roller to firmly attach the SoundSkins deadening mats.

Great adhesion with no air bubbles is the absolute key if you want to get the best performance. Remember that any air pocket with poor adhesion means you will not get the full benefit of the deadener.

How to install car sound deadener: Recap
  1. Remove upholstery and carpet from your vehicle. Proceed to vacuum to get rid of debris and dirt. Clean all greasy spots with denatured alcohol, other solvents or degreasers will leave behind a film that prevents a solid contact surface. Allow metal surface to try.
  2. Cut the SoundSkins sheet to desired size and cut using a sharp utility knife. Use gloves to avoid any cuts.
  3. Peel off the wax paper from the back of material and apply to surface, this can be done by small sections at a time. Use roller to create a strong bond between material and metal surface and to get rid of any air bubbles.

If you have any questions, make to reach out to use and we'll be happy to help.