Get the Best Out of Your Car - Invest in Sound Deadening Kits!

Get the Best Out of Your Car - Invest in Sound Deadening Kits!

Get the Best Out of Your Car - Invest in Sound Deadening Kits!

Driving should be an experience, not just a routine. In today's world, where the road is filled with noise from traffic, engines, and the environment, achieving a serene driving experience can seem like a distant dream. But it doesn't have to be. Investing in a sound deadening kit for your car can transform your daily commute or long journeys into a haven of tranquility and comfort. Sound deadening kits are powerful tools in the fight against unwanted noise, enhancing not just the tranquility of your drive but also the overall performance of your audio system. This blog will guide you through understanding sound deadening kits, their benefits, and how to choose and install them for the best results.

What Are Sound Deadening Kits?

Sound deadening kits are specialized packages designed to enhance the acoustics of your car by significantly reducing the noise that penetrates the interior from various sources like the engine, road, and wind. These kits typically consist of materials such as mats, foams, and sprays, each serving a unique purpose in the battle against noise.

  • Mats: Usually made from heavy, dense materials like butyl rubber, mats are perfect for adding mass to the car's body panels and blocking external noise. They are commonly applied to doors, floors, and even the car's roof.
  • Foams: Open-cell foam is used to absorb sound waves, preventing them from bouncing around the car's interior. They're often used in conjunction with mats for optimal sound reduction.
  • Sprays: Sprayable sound deadeners can reach places mats and foams can't, providing a more comprehensive coverage. They're particularly useful in irregularly shaped areas where traditional mats might not fit.

By combining these components, sound deadening kits tackle noise from multiple angles, ensuring a quieter and more enjoyable ride.

The Science of Sound Deadening

Understanding how sound deadening materials work requires a basic grasp of the science behind sound and vibrations. Sound travels in waves and, when these waves hit your car's panels, they cause vibrations, which in turn generate the noise you hear inside the cabin.

  • Damping: Damping materials in sound deadening kits work by dissipating the vibrational energy of the sound waves into a small amount of heat. This process is particularly effective against the vibrations caused by road noise and the engine. By converting the energy this way, the material dampens the vibrations, hence reducing the sound.
  • Absorption: Absorptive materials, like acoustic foams, are designed with an open-cell structure that traps and dissipates sound waves. As the sound travels through the foam, it loses energy and is absorbed before it can reflect back into the car's interior, effectively reducing echo and reverb.
  • Barrier: Sound deadening mats act as a barrier, adding mass to the car's body and making it harder for sound waves to penetrate. The thicker and denser the material, the more effective it is as a sound barrier.

Types of Sound Deadening Kits

When diving into the world of car sound deadening, you'll quickly find that there are various types of kits designed to meet different needs and preferences. Understanding the differences between these types can help you make an informed decision tailored to your specific requirements. Two popular categories are Heat Shielding Kits and Insulation Kits, each offering unique benefits.

Heat Shielding Kits

Heat Shielding Kits are specifically designed to tackle the dual challenge of reducing noise while also minimizing the heat transfer into your vehicle. These kits are particularly beneficial for those who live in warmer climates or for cars with powerful engines that generate a lot of heat. Here's what you need to know about them:

  • Functionality: These kits typically comprise materials that reflect heat away from the interior of the car, such as aluminum or other reflective metals. They are engineered to create a barrier against both external heat sources and noise.
  • Installation Areas: Heat shielding is often installed in areas close to the engine, exhaust systems, and under the car where heat is most prevalent. They can also be used in the cabin area, under the flooring, and inside door panels for additional comfort.
  • Benefits: By keeping the interior of your car cooler and quieter, these kits can enhance your driving experience. They can also potentially improve your vehicle's performance by reducing the strain on air conditioning systems and maintaining optimal operating temperatures.

Insulation Kits

Insulation Kits are focused more on soundproofing and are ideal for those primarily concerned with reducing noise inside the vehicle. These kits can significantly improve the acoustics within your car, making for a quieter and more enjoyable ride. Here's what sets insulation kits apart:

  • Material Composition: Insulation kits usually consist of dense, sound-absorbing materials like foam, rubber, or specialized acoustic compounds. They work by absorbing sound waves and preventing them from bouncing around the car.
  • Installation Areas: While these can also be installed throughout the vehicle, common areas include the doors, floor, and trunk. They're particularly effective in spaces where there's a lot of external noise intrusion, like near windows and wheel wells.
  • Benefits: Insulation kits not only reduce road noise and vibrations but can also enhance the quality of your car's audio system by providing a more stable and quiet environment. They contribute to an overall more peaceful driving experience, especially in urban and high-traffic areas.

Benefits of Sound Deadening Your Car

Investing in sound deadening for your car isn't just about reducing noise; it's about transforming your entire driving experience. From a more enjoyable ride to potentially increasing your vehicle's value, the benefits are compelling. Let's delve into how sound deadening can lead to an enhanced driving experience and offer added comfort and value.

Enhanced Driving Experience

A Quieter Ride: The most immediate benefit of sound deadening is the reduction of exterior noise. By dampening road noise, engine sounds, and other external disturbances, sound deadening materials allow you to enjoy a quieter ride. This reduction in noise pollution can significantly decrease driver fatigue, making for a more pleasant and comfortable journey, whether you're navigating the daily commute or embarking on a long road trip.

Improved Audio Quality: For music lovers and audiophiles, sound deadening does more than just quiet the car; it enhances the overall audio experience. By minimizing the interference of external noises, the clarity and quality of your car's sound system are significantly improved. Every note and beat comes through with more depth and precision, turning your vehicle into a personal concert hall.

Increased Focus and Safety: A quieter interior isn't just about comfort; it's about safety too. With fewer distractions, you can focus better on the road. Important audio cues like horns, sirens, or even sounds from your own car that might indicate a problem are more discernible, allowing for a safer driving experience.

Increased Value and Comfort

A More Luxurious Feel: There's a reason luxury cars invest heavily in soundproofing. A quiet car is often associated with higher quality and luxury. By installing sound deadening materials, you're adding a touch of this luxury to your vehicle, making every journey more enjoyable and comfortable.

Potential Increase in Vehicle Value: While the increase might not be substantial, a well-maintained car with quality sound deadening can be more appealing to potential buyers. It's seen as an added feature, something that sets your car apart from others. If you decide to sell your vehicle, this could translate to a slightly higher resale value.

Comfort for Passengers: The benefits aren't just for the driver; passengers will appreciate the quieter ride too. Conversations can be had more comfortably, and for those in the backseat, especially on long trips, the reduced noise can make the journey more pleasant and relaxing.

Selecting the Right Sound Deadening Kit

When it comes to enhancing your vehicle's acoustics and reducing unwanted noise, selecting the right sound deadening kit is crucial. The market offers a variety of options, each boasting different materials, coverage areas, and effectiveness. Understanding what to consider and being aware of top brands can significantly influence your decision-making process and the overall results you achieve.

Factors to Consider

Choosing the best sound deadening kit for your car involves several key considerations. Here's what you need to keep in mind:

  • Material Quality: The effectiveness of a sound deadening kit largely depends on the quality of the materials used. Look for kits made from reputable materials known for their sound-absorbing properties, such as butyl rubber, mass-loaded vinyl, or foam. High-quality materials will not only provide better sound dampening but also tend to be more durable and resistant to temperature changes.
  • Coverage Area: Determine the areas in your car where you want to install the sound deadening material. Common areas include the door panels, floor, roof, and trunk. Consider purchasing a kit that provides enough material to cover these areas adequately. Remember, more coverage typically leads to better noise reduction.
  • Specific Needs: Your choice should also be guided by your specific needs. Are you looking to improve your car's audio system by reducing vibrations? Or are you more concerned with reducing road noise for a quieter ride? Different kits may cater to various aspects of soundproofing, so choose one that aligns with your primary objectives.
  • Ease of Installation: If you're planning a DIY installation, consider the ease of use. Some materials are more flexible and easier to cut and install than others. Additionally, check if the kit includes any necessary installation tools or accessories.
  • Budget: Sound deadening kits come in a range of prices. While it's tempting to go for cheaper options, remember that the effectiveness and longevity of the material are often reflected in the price. Investing a little more in a quality kit can provide better and longer-lasting results.

Understanding Material Types and Coverage

Not all sound deadening materials are created equal. They come in various types, each with its advantages and application methods. Here's a brief overview:

  • Asphalt-based Mats: These are the traditional choice for sound deadening, known for their affordability and effectiveness. However, they can be a bit harder to install due to their rigidity and may have a distinct odor in high temperatures.
  • Rubberized Compounds: These are flexible and can be easier to install in complex areas. They're effective at dampening vibrations and can also serve as a barrier against moisture.
  • Foams and Sprays: These are used for filling in gaps and providing an extra layer of sound insulation. They're typically used in conjunction with other materials.

Understanding the coverage area is also crucial. A common mistake is underestimating the amount of material needed. Consider not only the floor but also the doors, trunk, and even the ceiling if you're aiming for comprehensive noise reduction. Generally, covering as much surface area as possible will yield the best results.


In conclusion, sound deadening kits represent a worthy investment for those seeking a superior driving experience. These kits not only reduce the noise inside the vehicle but also enhance the overall audio quality, offering an unmatched, serene ambiance.

Choosing the appropriate kit and ensuring proper installation can further amplify these benefits. So, let the journey of transforming the car into a peaceful haven begin with the right sound deadening kit, resulting in a smooth, noiseless ride that resonates with tranquility.


  1. Can sound deadening kits really make a noticeable difference in my car's noise level?
    • Absolutely. Quality sound deadening kits can significantly reduce road noise, engine sounds, and vibrations, creating a noticeably quieter and more pleasant driving environment.
  2. Are sound deadening kits difficult to install?
    • While some kits are designed for easy DIY installation, others might require more effort or professional installation. The difficulty can vary based on the type of kit and the specific areas of the car you're treating.
  3. How do I know which type of sound deadening kit is right for my vehicle?
    • Consider the primary source of noise you're trying to reduce (heat, road noise, engine sound) and the area you want to treat. Heat shielding kits are ideal for thermal and noise reduction, while insulation kits are best for overall noise absorption.
  4. Will adding a sound deadening kit affect my car's resale value?
    • A well-installed sound deadening kit can potentially increase your car's resale value by improving its overall condition and comfort. However, the impact on value can vary depending on the buyer's preferences.
  5. Can I combine different types of sound deadening materials for better results?
    • Yes, many car owners combine heat shielding with insulation materials for comprehensive protection against noise and heat. This combination can provide enhanced comfort and a superior driving experience.
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Step 1

To install the material you need be working on the metal surface of the car, remove upholstery. If you have never done this, we suggest searching it up on YouTube. Once the upholstery is removed, make sure there is no debris, waxy oils or rust by cleaning the surface with denatured alcohol.

Step 2

Once surface is clean and ready to go, cut the sound deadening material to the right size so it fits desired area. For small surfaces, we recommend that you measure the dimensions and then cut to fit.

Step 3

With the surface area clean and pieces cut to desired dimensions, peel off the paper and apply material to surface area starting from the top to bottom using the car door holes to help with alignment. We recommend using a hand roller to ensure that there are no air pockets and ensure the adhesiveness.

Sound Deadener Install On Jeep

Sound Deadener Install On Sprinter Van

Sound Deadener (pro cut kit) Install On Jeep JL


Sound Deadener Install FAQ: Tips & Tricks

What tools will I need to for a sound deadening project?  
  • Rag & Denatured Alcohol: Apply the alcohol to the rag and use to clean the metal surface areas you will be applying the material to.
  • Gloves: Our product is pretty safe to install without gloves but if you have never installed a sound deadener mat, we recommend using gloves.
  • Hand roller: We highly recommend using a small roller to reach the tighter surface areas of your vehicle. You can find these on Amazon or most online retail shops. There are wooden, rubber and metal rollers, we recommend wooden or rubber, try and stay away from metal as they can tear the material.
  • Utility Knife: The utility blade is to cut the material. Make sure to cut the material on top of a pice of cardboard so that your blade stays sharper longer, if it's a big job, have some extra blades around.
How do you apply sound deadener material? 

We sell our roll on sound deadener product in 2 different formats: custom cut to fit pro kits and an easy to work with rolled up large sheet. If you can measure, cut, peel and stick you can install sound deadener! You can use your hand to apply pressure when positioning the material and then use a roller to make sure it sticks down to metal surface.

After you cut the material and are ready to stick it on, some customers find it easier to peel off a small portion of the release liner and then apply it to metal surface, and then work their way across the sheet, peeling off a small section at a time.

Make sure to always remove the air bubbles with the roller. The second most important thing when it comes to quality of sound deadener is the quality of adhesion to the surface area. You want the material to be stuck down properly to ensure it stays in place.

Where do you apply the sound deadening material?  

The great thing about our sound deadening material is that it can be applied to all types of metal surfaces. All SoundSkins sheets use extremely strong adhesive and they can even be mounted on fiberglass, plastic and even wooden surfaces, but it's not very common to apply to these surfaces since they don't vibrate as much. By covering all metal surfaces such as your doors, roof, trunk and floor you can make a significant difference to unwanted road noise.

Your top priority when applying a car sound deadener is to cover the doors, floor and trunk. If you have extra material then proceed to other metal surfaces you wish to cover for extra sound insulation.

How much surface area should I cover?  

To properly deaden the metal surfaces, we recommend to at least do 25% coverage with our SoundSkins material, this will make a difference in unwanted road noise, but to have a huge impact we recommend covering up 60% of metal surfaces. If you want to get the most used from your sheet, one effective strategy is the CHECKER BOARD APPROACH, using this technique you cut the SoundSkins sheet into small pieces and apply them to the metal surface in a checkered pattern.

It is very common for our customers to do close to 100& coverage to any metal surface because not only are they looking to reduce road noise, they also want to insulate their car from heat or they like the way the material looks on the car's bare metal surface.

How do I make sure the sound deadener sticks well?

SoundSkins products are made with a very strong adhesive and create a extremely strong bond with the metal, it's really hard to NOT make it stick. To ensure the best possible bond, we highly recommend cleaning the metal surface before applying our material and then using a hand roller to firmly attach the SoundSkins deadening mats.

Great adhesion with no air bubbles is the absolute key if you want to get the best performance. Remember that any air pocket with poor adhesion means you will not get the full benefit of the deadener.

How to install car sound deadener: Recap
  1. Remove upholstery and carpet from your vehicle. Proceed to vacuum to get rid of debris and dirt. Clean all greasy spots with denatured alcohol, other solvents or degreasers will leave behind a film that prevents a solid contact surface. Allow metal surface to try.
  2. Cut the SoundSkins sheet to desired size and cut using a sharp utility knife. Use gloves to avoid any cuts.
  3. Peel off the wax paper from the back of material and apply to surface, this can be done by small sections at a time. Use roller to create a strong bond between material and metal surface and to get rid of any air bubbles.

If you have any questions, make to reach out to use and we'll be happy to help.